THESE ARE EXAMPLES OFJohn Mollison’s artwork and print designPilot & Aircrew-signed art “store” coming shortly… A fresh way to bring History to the classroom - these Educator Kits comply with state curriculum standards and encourage the mind. Yeah, the cut-out airplanes fly, too. Just distributed and apparently, I'll be demonstrating at schools this Fall. Open spread of an Educator Kit featuring Medal of Honor recipient Joe Foss - the man lived a hundred lifetimes... George McGovern told this story of "killing an Austrian farm family" as a keystone moment where he decided that after the war, he'd beat his sword into a ploughshare. Decades later, he found out the burden he'd been carrying for decades was unwarranted... John Slemp's jaw-dropping book "Bomber Boys" features my artwork of Punchy Powell's P-51 on the INSIDE of the jacket!! Promo graphic for the upcoming (Fall '22) podcast on the Linebacker II operation. The Battle of Midway is not forgotten at the Naval Aviation Museum... Press-check of the SUCCESSFUL! SD History "Flip Book" + artist Hector Curriel's illustrated biography on Joe Foss Everything starts with a pencil sketch... The F-86F flown by (and requested by) Gemini & Apollo astronaut James McDivitt Cut-out F-4B and F9F-5 made to fit History curriculum in South Dakota Cut out F-4E made for history curriculum for South Dakota schools